Florence Diary #11. Day 5 (continued). Archaeological Museum (continued), San Lorenzo

Fragment of a bas-relief, Egyptian, New Kingdom 1550-1069 BC, Archaeological Museum

From 14 to 24 January 2024 i was in Florence together with my nephew. In Villa La Repubblica i’m publishing a diary. Click here to follow it (in Dutch).

Fragment of a stela, Egyptian, XIX-XX Dynasty 1291-1069 BC, Archaeological Museum

These are some extra pictures additional to the pictures in VLR.

Sarcophagus of a man, Egyptian, XXII-XXIII Dynasty 945-725 BC, Archaeological Museum
Ergotimos & Kleitias, François Vase, Greek, detail, around 570 BC, Archaeological Museum
Sarcophagus of the Amazons, Greco-Etruscan, around 350 BC, Archaeological Museum
Idolino of Pesaro, Greco-Roman, around 30 BC, Archaeological Museum
Feminine idols, limestone and marble, Cyclades, 3rd-2nd millennium BC, Archaeological Museum
Kouros, marble, Greek, around 550 BC, Archaeological Museum
Donatello, Pulpit, bronze, San Lorenzo
Donatello, Pulpit, bronze, San Lorenzo
Donatello, Pulpit, bronze, San Lorenzo
Agnolo Bronzino, The Martyrdom of Saint Lawrence, fresco, detail, San Lorenzo

Click here to follow the diary in Villa La Repubblica (in Dutch)

Agnolo Bronzino, The Martyrdom of Saint Lawrence, fresco, detail, San Lorenzo

Bertus Pieters

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Contents of photographs courtesy to the Museo archeologico nazionale di Firenze and the Basilica of San Lorenzo, Florence, Italy

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